Announcements! League, Mix tournament, LAN

BeNeDota League Season 7
We received multiple requests so we couldn’t do anything else but… organize the 7th season of the BeNeDota League! For the 7th season of the League, we keep the appreciated recipes from previous seasons, like 1 game per week maximum and (if possible) balanced divisions according to skill.
And for the first time ever, we will have offline finals! They will be held on the 22nd of April! The offline finals will take place at Dynamo Eindhoven. This will only be for Division 1. We did modify some rules since last season, notably:
- Teams now have a FIXED amount of a maximum of 2 (two) NON-BENELUX players (BENELUX = Belgium, Netherlands, or Luxembourg);
- For your team to be eligible to start in division 2, the highest MMR member in your roster must have an MMR lower than 4500;
- Stricter follow-up on actual play dates will be enforced by Head Admin Len (aka “The Chaser”).
We are still looking for casters that want to cast some league games (live or delayed). If you would like to do this, contact an admin in Discord. Official casters will be allowed in the reschedule channel this year, we hope this makes things easier to plan and cast league games. The registrations for the league are open, starting NOW, and running until 28/1/2023. The first games will be played in the week starting 4/2/2023. The league will run for about 9 or 10 weeks. Prices will be announced at a later date!
Mix Tournament
Besides the league, we will also host another mix tournament at Gammax on the 18th of February! Like last time the location will be Gammax. The location will be at the Kurhausweg 2A, Den Haag.
Check hier het evenenement: Mix toernooi

We are looking into the possibility to host another LAN event somewhere later this year. Keep an eye on our channels for more info.